Launch of Barry Railway booklet: Barry Railway: Coal’s Last Burst

On Thursday, the 27th of February, a new publication was launched on the Barry Railway telling the story of how the superiority of south Wales coal led to the construction of the largest integrated dock and railway system in the world. The cost of the 20-page colour booklet was supported by the South Wales Institute of Engineers Educational Trust (SWIEET) and earlier that day the chair of SWIEET, Phil Hourahine made a presentation to Glenn Booker of the Barry War Museum and Heritage Centre. Phil commented that, ‘he was pleased that SWIEET were able to support this publication as part of SWIEET's remit to help young people to choose and take up careers in engineering and to bring the rich heritage of our engineering past to modern generations.’

 Glenn responded by stating that, ‘the museum greatly appreciated the support of SWIEET by supporting the booklet in its educational role which will also promote the museum, an organisation run by volunteers.’ The booklet also features the personalities involved in the dock, so it was apt that the presentation took place in front of the statue of David Davies at the former Barry Railway office site overlooking the dock. Later the booklet was launched at a talk at the museum given by Stephen K. Jones, the author of the booklet. At the talk Stephen explained that the publication came about following the presentation of an information panel in 2023 by ICE Wales Cymru to the Barry War Museum and Heritage Centre. The booklet, which was printed in Barry by Integrated Graphics Ltd, is available from the museum.

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